Kelly + Victor is the
fictional feature debut of Kieran Evans, a slow, moody drama that is as much
about Liverpool as it is about young love and sadomasochism.
Victor (Julian Morris) meets Kelly (Antonia
Campbell-Hughes) in a Liverpool nightclub and they almost immediately strike a
bond. Following a one-night stand, they find themselves helplessly drawn back
towards each other although their passionate affair is far from safe.
Kelly + Victor is an odd
film that attempts to show that true love exists, albeit in some less orthodox
ways, while also trying to maintain its grim urban art house credentials. Kelly
and Victor are clearly experiencing love as the movies show it – drawn together
from across a dancefloor and immediately hitting it off. Evans and co-writer
and novelist Niall Griffiths’s original angle is that Kelly and Victor’s
passionate love is expressed through a series of increasingly extreme acts of
sadomasochism. Though to an art house crowd used to such ideas this should
raise only a noncommittal shrug of “each to his own”, Evans seems less
fraudulently sexually cosmopolitan. His film is designed as a series of shock
tactics and eventually boils down to a rather conservative cautionary tale. So
while Kelly + Victor may seem more honest than the “seen it all before”
audience that the film is marketed towards (“not for the fainthearted” says one
blurb) and will surely attract, it is a lot more dated and judgemental.
Morris and Campbell-Hughes are
game and turn in good performances, though Evans and Griffiths do throw them
some awkward dialogue and a few moments that tend towards the unintentionally
comic. Kelly as a character is a bit of cipher, her almost inadvertent sexual
violence – she does not seem to be able to help herself – given a lot less context
than Victor’s openness to the same. Victor is a lover of pretty things and
constantly gushes about nature, music and art. That Evans and Griffiths see a
disparity between his love of these things and also of S&M may suggest a
conservative attitude but it is a surprising angle for a love story – a couple
who love each other who just so happen to be into sadomasochism. The film is
even structured like a typical romance story though with a less typical
emotional (and physical) intensity obviously.
Nonetheless it is not really the
stuff to hang an entire film on and there is a lot of Kelly + Victor that
feels a lot like filler. And a lot more that feels standoffish. Evans directs
with a degree of tact and naturalness but his editing (along with Tony Kearns
and Nathan Nugent) and music choices are thoroughly judgemental. We are meant
to be shocked, appalled and even a little scared. It is strange that a director
so apparently disgusted by such things would choose to make a film about them.
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