The East is an interesting
proposition – a thriller about a group of eco-terrorists calling themselves The
East, who engage in criminal acts, persecuting corporate CEOs whom they hold
guilty for crimes against humanity. It is timely what with the increasing and
increasingly justified anger at the 1% and with the concern for the future of
the environment. And although the film is mainly about the moral dilemmas of an
agent who has infiltrated the group, this is still an interesting and rare
occurrence in which Hollywood encourages us not to sympathize with the rich and
Sarah Moss (star and co-writer
Brit Marling) is an up-and-coming intelligence agent hired by a private firm
that gathers intelligence for corporate clients. A group called The East is
targeting three major corporations for their crimes against the environment –
they have already flooded one CEO’s house with oil following his role in a
major oil spill. Sarah is charged with infiltrating the group and finding out who
their next three targets are. She makes contact with The East, led by Benji
(Alexander Skarsgård) and including Izzy (Ellen Page) and Doc (Toby Kebbell),
both of whom have good reasons to hate the corporations. As Sarah, a keen
Catholic, is accepted into the group, she finds her morals and her loyalties
increasingly tested.
Zal Batmanglij directs the film as if it is a big spy
thriller and employs a really rather overblown Patricia Clarkson (playing
Sharon, Sarah’s boss) as The Villian, constantly given lines from dumb action
films, in a not entirely convincing attempt to raise the stakes. It strikes a
discordant note at the beginning but the film soon settles down, becoming a
morality play about terrorism, anarchism and espionage. Writers Batmanglij and
Marling make sure to match every crime perpetrated by The East with one from
either the corporate world or the security world. The East invades people’s
privacy but then so does Sharon and her cronies. As well as this, The East’s
crimes specifically mirror crimes committed by their corporate targets. “If you
spy on us, we’ll spy on you. If you poison our habitats, we’ll poison yours,”
intones Izzy at the beginning of the film – again, quite overblown.
This means that Sarah’s eventual conversion is never
unexpected and it does remove a lot of complications and shades of grey that
would have been fruitfully pursued. The film is never daring enough to leave
its audience to make up their own mind and it never dares to allow its
characters to become too unlikeable. One potentially interesting scene set on
the side of a polluted lake would have raised several interesting questions and
would surely have split the audience but is quickly deflated when the criminal
CEO has a sudden and slightly unbelievable attack of conscience. The same goes
for one of the members of The East, Doc, who unremorsefully takes vengeance
against an entirely detestable corporation only to be briefly seen late in the
film writing a letter of apology. Though these moments and the conclusions one
can draw from them are justified in themselves they do rob the audience of the
opportunity to engage critically with the film, instead constantly telling them
what to think. The film addresses issues that are apt for discussion and yet
offers very simplistic solutions.
As a result, The East comes
across more as a thriller than as an interesting interrogation of a very
topical phenomenon. It isn’t helped by an ending that we can see coming a mile
away, one that literalises Sarah’s dilemma to the point of ridiculousness.
Similarly, the film ends on a triumphant note of “Everything’s fine” – all
loose ends and moral questions are cleared up and the problems of the world are
solved because, in the end, people who do evil things are nonetheless decent
and just need a bit of a talking-to. The East had promise. It could have
been a fascinating study of the morals of anarchism against apathy, one with
powerful links to the here and now, but it instead opts for the clichés and
closure of a dumb spy thriller.
Nonetheless, the film is
entertaining. What it lacks in philosophical, moral and politic rigour, it
almost makes amends for with a hotfooted narrative and some good performances –
particularly Marling and the members of The East. Some of the New Age elements
of The East will probably make you roll your eyes or laugh out loud,
particularly how they eat their beans or how they relax – spin the bottle and
washing each other in a creek. The audacious and complex schemes that these
people pull off are impressive if slightly unconvincing coming as they do after
such scenes. However, Batmanglij and Marling have pulled together a fun and
well-paced thriller, even if it is a good, easy one when it should have been a
great, complex one.
That being said, it is nice to see a film that
sympathises with anarchists even if its black-and-white morality departs from
reality. In this regard, The East is a welcome alternative to the
reactionary right-wing films that Hollywood typically releases. The East might
offer some pretty useless answers but the fact that it at least recognises that
there is a problem is a good start.
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